Pi NoIR Camera

The PiNOIR camera has a filter which doesn’t eliminate infrared light.  This means that it is suitable for “night vision” use with infrared LEDs.  As the bird box is dark inside this is essential.  Though the camera is capable of colour photography my images are in black and white in this mode.  It switches automatically between day and night vision.

I bought the camera from ModMyPi having experimented with a number of other options which didn’t work very well. This one comes with a pair of LEDs that are powered through the ribbon cable supplying the camera.  Each has a lens which appears to act as a diffusers.

The LEDs tend to get hot so I put heatsinks on the back of them both.

LEDs that overheat will have a reduced life and may be dimmer and as there is a good chance the birds won’t nest in the first year this seemed to be a good plan.