Monitoring the Box

A Raspberry Pi based monitoring solution:

  • A PiggiPi aluminium screen stand for the official Raspberry Pi touchscreen, with Pi and the touchscreen (of course).
  • Either viewing through a web browser looking at the output port from the Motion server  on the Pi connected to the bird-box, or connected to the website.

The Piggy Pi is a beautifully made, robust-yet-elegant piece of kit.  Using the touchscreen is not a problem (it is stable), the cable management built into it is  very neat.  It is also ideal for home calendar applications, photo streaming and a host of other things and has the major benefit of looking great – so would not look at all out of place in a living room.

So now do I sit and wait – glued to the screen every hour of the night and day until something arrives?

Er no!…it emails me when something moves in it. I’ll explain how soon.