We got a glimpse of a single egg yesterday. Here’s confirmation that there are at least 3. It is very likely that the first egg was laid on 22nd April though there is no footage that makes it obvious. Interesting that she laid first thing in the morning.
Things will probably go quiet for a while now
I won’t be adding anything more now unless we get a decent view of eggs until things start to get a bit more interesting around hatching time. At that point I will launch a YouTube live stream so you can see all hatching/feeding and hopefully fledging.
2017-04-27 Full Motion (Egg Laying Day 4 Daytime only)
2017-04-26 Full Motion (Egg Laying Day 3 Daytime only)
2017-04-25 Full Motion (Egg Laying Day 2 Daytime only)
2017-04-24 Full Motion (Egg Laying Day 1 Daytime only)
Egg laying starts
First egg laid!